Friday, 7 November 2014

Make the Street Happy (Alegrando las Calles)

After many hours spent in La Noria center, participants of the training course "Urban Art & Social Transformation" went to the streets and had some outdoor activities. First of all, they enjoyed a graffiti tour around the Soho neighborhood (Málaga has plenty of graffiti!) and they found out about the "Maus" project.
Afterwards they all made streets of Málaga more happy and alive by following the idea of Freddy Cross (one of the participant of "UA&ST" training course). The concept of this activity was moving to different points around the city and show their artistic skills at each one. They went to two very central places of Málaga, the square in front of the Contemporary Art Centre (CAC) and Calle Larios, the most popular and important street of the city. This way they gave visibility to European Union and Erasmus+ program as an important part of social transformation among youth and European citizens.
They also participated in a break dance jam and set an exhibition of graffiti art. All this was possible thanks to Erasmus+ program, which intents to liberate the space for young people to share their experiences, skills, knowledge and culture through various exchanges, training courses, seminars, etc. Through these mobility activities young people and professionals who work with them can learn and enrich their personal and professional portfolio. 

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