Friday, 19 June 2015

Summer Scratch 2015 (Alba, Italia)

We want to share with you some photos of last weekend. Members of our entity were in Alba (Italy) to participate in the event “Summer Scratch 2015” that was organized by our friends of the association Espressione Hip Hop. Togheter with the guys of El Círculo Breaking, we explained activities we do, projects we want to carry out and our urban art can be a valuable tools of social transformation. We showed, as well, to urban artistis and local popolation, the video of the international training course “Urban Art & Social Transformation” that we carryed out thanks to the Erasmus+ programme and where we knew the members of this italian organisation. 

Thank you very much guys for the invitation, the big hospitality and to make events like this to promote urban culture, dialogue and participation.  

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

UA&ST: Antoni Gabarre

Antoni Gabarre is one of the experts that participated in our international training course “Urban Art & Social Transformation”. He’s a great example of social educator who tries to get better the world where we live, promoting participation, inclusion and peace culture through muralism and graffiti.
Thanks to his participation, that we want to share with you, we could discover how urban art uses public space and how it can be a tool of social transformation. It’s an honour for all of us that he supports projects we carry out and he participated actively in this training course.

To watch the video: