Thursday, 10 December 2015

UA&ST Team Meeting

This photo has been taking during one of the meetings of our team where we coordinate, prepare and manage all the activities related with urban art and social transformation.

Formed by social workers and educators, youth workers, pedagogues, graffiti writers, break dancers, DJ's and MC's, we work togheter all year long to propose and carry out different activities where we use urban art as a tool of social transformation and inclusion.

The main activities of the UA&ST team during this year 2015:
- Graffiti and breaking workshops
- Open Door Day at Iniciativa Internacional Joven
- El Círculo Breaking Day
- Jamonth
- Day of Europe, Junta de Distrito 11 
- "Hip Hop movimiento y color de calle" project in Guatemala
- Participation to the Summer Scratch 2015 in Alba (Italy)
- Project management and personal and professional development activities
- Meetings with different public and private organisations at local, regional and national level.

Finally, to celebrate the first anniversary of our Training Course "Urban Art & Social Transformation" we finish the year with different activities and workshops here in Málaga:

11/12/2015 (19:00/22:00): "Making the streets happy" at Plaza de la Merced;
12/12/2015 (12:00/14:00): Graffiti and breaking workshops at El Artsenal (Muelle Uno)
12/12/2015 (17:30): Projection of the documental "Urban Art & Social Transformation" at El Artsenal (Muelle Uno)
12/12/2015 (18:00/23:00): Jamonth and exhibitions of graffiti at El Artsenal (Muelle Uno)

Moreover, very soon we will inform you about another amazing activity before the end of the year.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Summer Scratch 2015 (Alba, Italia)

We want to share with you some photos of last weekend. Members of our entity were in Alba (Italy) to participate in the event “Summer Scratch 2015” that was organized by our friends of the association Espressione Hip Hop. Togheter with the guys of El Círculo Breaking, we explained activities we do, projects we want to carry out and our urban art can be a valuable tools of social transformation. We showed, as well, to urban artistis and local popolation, the video of the international training course “Urban Art & Social Transformation” that we carryed out thanks to the Erasmus+ programme and where we knew the members of this italian organisation. 

Thank you very much guys for the invitation, the big hospitality and to make events like this to promote urban culture, dialogue and participation.  

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

UA&ST: Antoni Gabarre

Antoni Gabarre is one of the experts that participated in our international training course “Urban Art & Social Transformation”. He’s a great example of social educator who tries to get better the world where we live, promoting participation, inclusion and peace culture through muralism and graffiti.
Thanks to his participation, that we want to share with you, we could discover how urban art uses public space and how it can be a tool of social transformation. It’s an honour for all of us that he supports projects we carry out and he participated actively in this training course.

To watch the video:

Monday, 25 May 2015

UA&ST: Trailer

Within the project “Urban Art & Social Transformation” that our organisation Iniciativa Internacional Joven, carryed out thanks to the subvencion of the Erasmus+ programme and with the collaboration of El Círculo Breaking, we created different audiovisual products that we are starting to publish. All the material is subtitled (English/Spanish).
Today we want to share with all of you the trailer of the documentary that soon will be available. A small summary of all activities made last November during the international training course that was carryed out in Málaga. 

Thursday, 29 January 2015

"UA&ST" as the Experience of the Month!

Our international training course "Urban Art & Social Transformation" has been chosen as the experience of the month in January bulletin board of the Andalusian Institute of Youth.
Organized by our organization, together with El Circulo Breaking, and thanks to the subvention of Erasmus+ program, this course has been a great success!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Visit of "Espressione Hip Hop" from Italy

Our friends from the Italian association "Espressione Hip Hop" - Freesteps crew, who participated in the course "Urban Art & Social Transformation", came this morning to visit our headquarters and discover our activities in the socio-cultural center "El Consul".
We want to wish good luck to all of you (in bocca al lupo!), and also our fellows from El Circulo Breaking, in a break dance competition this weekend in Almeria.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Interviews With the Organizers of the UA&ST

Our video-making team recorded the last interviews with the organizers of the "Urban Art & Social Tranformation" international training course. Together with a lot of videos of the training course itself, it will be produced into a documentary of this project. Members of the Iniciativa Internacional Joven and El Circulo Breaking explained their objectives, activities and achievements through this opportunity. All this was a big step towards more joint projects in the future, to which we are looking forward with all our hearts.